#118 Could you please make it a bit bigger? Also, please make the shape surrounding T2 'bolder'? We'd like to see it to stand out a bit more. We like the line shape rounding the square like the one in #132. Thanks.
#137 The drop shadow is really great. We like it. Could you please have some other versions with different colors for font (especially for the word 'Wax')? We think the black or gray seems a bit too dimmed. Thanks.
#142 We would like the font color a little bit fresher like #138. Could you also give an italic version of it? We don't really have preference on the font but would like to see different versions so we can pick. Thanks.
Hi, We talked to our sign maker and got some suggestions back. We would like some modification to the font of 'Nails & Wax'. We want it to be not too small in comparing to the 'T2'. Our shop sign will be eletrical sign. Thanks.
Hi, We would like to have the font width somewhere between #195 & #196. Also, We like italic font. Can you do it as soon as you can as we are running out of time. Thanks.