Hi - I’ll announce you the winner - but can you send me a couple versions of it once I do? So the current way it is, and then with it black background and white text and yellow logo and also add my phone number on a couple?
Hi - can you try some different variations of this? Make everything yellow and the backdrop black. Another one, make the text white and Keep image yellow and make the back black.
Also both white and black backsplash and also try making the honeycombs standing up like houses and also another try, make the honeycombs full honetcombs - so no open side.
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Also both white and black backsplash and also try making the honeycombs standing up like houses and also another try, make the honeycombs full honetcombs - so no open side.
Thank you!
Here are my first options.
Please don't hesitate to leave comments and advices.