Entry 18 is a good one. Can you make the bottom of the "y" have the same contour as the kidney? That would be interesting to see. Also have the grey and red colors meet right at the bottom of the kidney. Try to make the "y" look more like a "y". Thank you.
1) SyMap in black or very dark grey 2) Keep the red outline on top, keep the blue nerve, remove the 3) Make the y in the same font as the other letters, but allow the tail of the y to be more symmetrical to the top of the kidney (the shape above the y). 4) Create a version with the bottom of the kidney intact, but with a separation from the tail of the "y" 5) Create a version with the bottom of the kidney removed.
Thank you Entry 27 is getting closer. I like the balck on top and the red on bottom in this entry. Please insert a "y" shape like entry #8. Also use the separation at the top and bottom of the "y" like entry #8.
In a second version can you try to put the "Sy" inside the kidney, also using the format like entry #27.
Also the letter "S" looks a little smaller then the letter "M".....can they be the same size?