SwimtopiaLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Swimtopia

Swimtopia has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 344 designs from 39 different designers from around the world.






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Thanks for submitting an entry!

As mentioned in the brief, I'm not keen on imagery that is exclusively representative of swimming. Swimtopia will be competing in a 'swimming' market -- so everything will have some swimming connotation. It's a given. I'd rather put more focus on the '-topia' part of the name to help it stand out.

What I like:
- the color in #34
- the floating/bobbing 'm' concept (although it also gives the logo a disheveled look)
- the swimmer illustration is fine, just not what I'm looking for

What I don't like:
- literal use of swimming imagery
- the S is too obscured by the swimmer
- the bobbing 'm' looks disheveled

thanks again!
15 years ago
thanks for the submissions

can you please describe the concept behind #47 #48 and #50 ?
I need to understand what you are going for here.

I am also concerned these are too similar to concepts already being explored by ysonmez and bentos.

re: entry #49

I am more interested in simple / abstract imagery rather than detailed illustrations. I am actually more interested in the bubble or water drop behind the 'island in an umbrella' image than the foreground image itself.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
this comment represent for Entry #47 > it was two shape of swimmer to creat a circle, and all at once creat the initial "S" for Swimtopia
i think they have a different concept for it. it just resemblance

best regards
15 years ago
Okay, I see the human shapes now. I didn't perceive of the dots as 'heads' or the other lines as arms/hands. But I see it now. I think it might easier to see the human shapes if the 'S' shape were less pronounced. When you see the S so clearly it makes the swimmers harder to see.
But yes I do see it is a different concept now.
15 years ago
re #106 -- we don't like the green S

re #107, #108 - these are too complex/busy

overall we prefer the capitalization 'SwimTopia' to all caps
15 years ago
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