I really like the concepts you've submitted. I like #11 as it's clean and modern. Could you play around with the colours a bit - change the green to blue and make the balloon green as our original colour. Also change the Sweet Buffets wording to pink? www.sweetbuffets.com.au. Are you able to develop the images in the circles to make clearer and brighter - like #10. ? I would also like to perhaps see include a decorative line under the Sweet Buffets.
#10 is fun and I like how it's larger and in a circular shape. I love the drawing of the chair and jar etc but think I would like the wording to change colour to Pink please? Could you also play around with the drawing. Could you please make the chair a soft pink colour and the balloons an aqua. Also could you change the circle border to our original green?
Are you also able to add a slogan somewhere to all the logos to include "Lolly Buffets and Boutique Parties"? Particularly #10 and #11.
Thank you :)