#139 has great potential !!! If I break it down, it seems to me like 3 blocks rotating inside a circle, all sharing the same axis, one is placed on top of the other firt goes \\, then goes || and finally goes //.
How about having only one block (the one that is positioned like this: \\ ) but applying some motion to it, as if it rotated from // to \\ leaving a trace... this way it and the trace would take the shape of an S.
The other thing I would do is use the typefaces from #134, to #137.
I hope you can read this before the first phase of the contest ends.
#139 has great potential !!! If I break it down, it seems to me like 3 blocks rotating inside a circle, all sharing the same axis, one is placed on top of the other firt goes \\, then goes || and finally goes //.
How about having only one block (the one that is positioned like this: \\ ) but applying some motion to it, as if it rotated from // to \\ leaving a trace... this way it and the trace would take the shape of an S.
The other thing I would do is use the typefaces from #134, to #137.
I hope you can read this before the first phase of the contest ends.
We really like the shape of #241 but we also like the color combination of #190. Is there a way you can add colors to #241 and still make it look good?