can you make some changes. 1. Opportunity Hack on top, 2. make Silicon Valley Code Camp two lines 3. Adding something to line "Developers Giving Back" from Silicon Valley Code Camp. It's not balanced with the "Back" font coming from Opportunity Hack and nothing from Silicon Valley Code Camp.
I like it. Seems l ike that there is something in "Developers Giving Back" for Opportunity Hack but not Silicon Valley Code Camp. The balance there is off
We have updated our “ideas/brief” to better describe what we are looking for. Please re-read this as it has changed from what was there before. The contest has been extended for another 3 days. -Thanks (update is below also)
We want a graphic created that has the Opportunity Hack logo exactly as it is on their site That is, just the words, not the graphic to the right. We want this graphic to also include the Silicon Valley Code Camp logo which can be seen at the URL We are not as concerned that the Silicon Valley Code Camp stay exactly the same but colors should be the same and it should be close to what we have already. We do not want the number “11” in there. We would like the words used and not the block letters.
Both Logos should have equal weight on the site. That is, SVCC and Opportunity Hack are equal partners here.
In addition, we want to include the words “Developers Giving Back” (in mixed case) prominently showing and that be clear that it applies to both logos (Opportunity Hack and Silicon Valley Code Camp).
In addition, we also want a common graphic to pull all this together showing that we (Silicon Valley Code Camp and Opportunity Hack) are working together. That graphic could be a globe of some kind, a circle, clever use of arrows, or anything that shows the togetherness we want.
More interesting. Can you make the developers... Line mixed case. Make the "SVCC" more interesting (maybe make the v a little different), add something some highlight to it. Also, the Colorado ny is better on the infinity symbol but does not look quite right
see if you can add some flare to the SVCC. That is, maybe enhance one of the letters, maybe add a highlight of some kind to the letters to make them look better than simple block letters. Also, mixed case for developers giving back
Comment Activity
We have updated our “ideas/brief” to better describe what we are looking for. Please re-read this as it has changed from what was there before. The contest has been extended for another 3 days. -Thanks (update is below also)
We want a graphic created that has the Opportunity Hack logo exactly as it is on their site That is, just the words, not the graphic to the right. We want this graphic to also include the Silicon Valley Code Camp logo which can be seen at the URL We are not as concerned that the Silicon Valley Code Camp stay exactly the same but colors should be the same and it should be close to what we have already. We do not want the number “11” in there. We would like the words used and not the block letters.
Both Logos should have equal weight on the site. That is, SVCC and Opportunity Hack are equal partners here.
In addition, we want to include the words “Developers Giving Back” (in mixed case) prominently showing and that be clear that it applies to both logos (Opportunity Hack and Silicon Valley Code Camp).
In addition, we also want a common graphic to pull all this together showing that we (Silicon Valley Code Camp and Opportunity Hack) are working together. That graphic could be a globe of some kind, a circle, clever use of arrows, or anything that shows the togetherness we want.
Your contest in the phase selection mode and only the 1st ranked designer can submit logos.
Thank you,