Hello, nice to greet you, and is happy to be participating in the contest. Here I uploaded my design alternatives for logo #25 #26. I used to abstract the concept of infinity in reference to something that lasts in time, this figure allows you to create the letter "S" with a bold, modern style. Hope you like it.
If you have any requirement, please feel free to let me know. It will be a pleasure to work for you.
I like the reference to "infinity," and actually would like to see you run with that idea. The letter "S" is not an important signifier for the company. But "infinity" does suggest the ongoing nature of the sustainable creativity I'd like to promote. I've ranked #26 higher for that reason--because the image looks less like it's an "S" and more like it's "infinity." I also like that it looks a little like an orange peel, showing internal and external layers of something living.
Playfulness, courage, and interdependence in the image is great--not an image of someone playing, but playfulness in the content. You're already heading in that direction. Our clients approach us sometimes nervous or stressed, and, by the end, they feel confident, playful, ready to meet adversity over the long-haul.
Thank you. I especially like #33. And love that inner/outer play of the image.
I like that the image retains the "infinity" symbol. But at the same time, I wonder if the energy could be less "whirling" somehow, maybe by slightly pulling in that top-left tail in, toward the rest of the image. Another idea is wondering whether that image could be reversed, aiming to the right instead of the left. To me, that suggests that the creative process aims toward infinity, reading left to right.
Thank you for the updates. Looking at it, I prefer your initial image, but oriented to the right (as in #34), and positioned atop the lettering. If it could have less height than in #34, so that the motion is more left-to-right than whirling up into the air, that would be good.
I'd be interested to see anything you could do to play with the lettering.
I like the position of the lettering in "Sustainable Creativity," but am less sure about the font, or about one of the words being in maroon, when nothing else is. Could you show me some other fonts with that lettering?