Thankyou for pick #257 as winner design :) I just sent eps_cmyk, jpg-rgb file via this website, also sent additional multiple format file (eps_rgb, eps_cmyk, ai-rgb, ai_cmyk, cdr_rgb, cdr_cmyk, pdf_rgb, pdf_cmyk, jpg_rgb, png_rgb) via your email. I hope you satified, and approve the files soon :)
Dear Susie,
please check 240 241 242 243 246 256, im sorry there an error for the display, i just submit 1 desin in one time but multiple desins (same designs) at display, so i witdrawn that same multiple designs :)
Comment Activity
best regards,
belalang tempur
Just try alternative font at 259 and 260
best regards,
please check 240 241 242 243 246 256, im sorry there an error for the display, i just submit 1 desin in one time but multiple desins (same designs) at display, so i witdrawn that same multiple designs :)
okay soon refine the lines :)
Also, gray lines around REALTOR, thin and short like this but gray instead and flat not pointy... Thank you :)
Sorry for all the changes :)
please check #231 #232 :)
please check #212, #213, #214, #215
Thankyou :)
Manythanks :)