In a close call, we prefer the S of #1 over the lower case s of #3 for readability.
The font variation of #3 is probably slightly preferred.
The integrated checkmark is excellent on both cases. The color treatment works. Do you think that orange could work for the checkmark? I appreciate that the current gradiated graphic from blue toward yellow does work.
Thank you for the additional variations, ray. Your original color was nicely done. We like the orange, though, especially with the check for use in various places. Our theme is to be able to use multiple devices and gather data using different electronic devices and mediums. Therefore, the check goes with the concept ot:
Can we use smart phones? Check! Can we use the web? Check!
Nice work, ray! We like the check / dot graphic. We have two of your similar designs at or near the top right now. #35 is very attractive; #36 might be easier to print or use in certain places.