a) Using this spacing, please create the coloring similar to #454
b) Also, using this proportional sizing, create logo like #317 and #316 (when creating these two please create slightly more space between logo and letters).
These four logos following review will be our winner.
Let's focus on this logo. Need to pick winner today.
a) like centering of "FITNESS and RECOVERY" but think this line of text should be just inside the border - so slighty less length needed.
b) check spacing between the lettering of "SURGE" - looks like G is too far from R.
c) slightly decrease the relative size of lettering to logo.
d) make all lettering same grey
e) slightly increase distance from logo to lettering.
We like this "SURGE" font spacing the best.
1) Keeping "SURGE" the same, is there any way to make "FITNESS AND RECOVERY" larger?
2) Also, can you check to see if "FITNESS AND RECOVERY" is perfectly centered below "SURGE".
Hi. I was thinking about and playing with bone structure when concepting the image and it sort of stuck.. So i incorporated the stretching effect to try and represent motion for the fitness part. and also the three coloured ones sort of abstract an S shape for the Surge
Comment Activity
a) Using this spacing, please create the coloring similar to #454
b) Also, using this proportional sizing, create logo like #317 and #316 (when creating these two please create slightly more space between logo and letters).
These four logos following review will be our winner.
I have uploaded the new concepts with a longer " FITNESS AND RECOVERY".
Kind regards.
good letters-to-logo size.
good letters-to-logo size.
a) even slightly shorter overall length of "FITNESS AND RECOVERY"
b) slightly larger proportional size of the overall text
almost there.
Kind regards
a) like centering of "FITNESS and RECOVERY" but think this line of text should be just inside the border - so slighty less length needed.
b) check spacing between the lettering of "SURGE" - looks like G is too far from R.
c) slightly decrease the relative size of lettering to logo.
d) make all lettering same grey
e) slightly increase distance from logo to lettering.
submit asap for immediate review.
I have uploaded the new concepts with a bigger and centered subline" FITNESS AND RECOVERY".
Kind regards.
1) Keeping "SURGE" the same, is there any way to make "FITNESS AND RECOVERY" larger?
2) Also, can you check to see if "FITNESS AND RECOVERY" is perfectly centered below "SURGE".
I have uploaded the new concept with the requested changes.
Thanks and Kind Regards.