Taking a look at some of the logos you psted in your Contest Brief, a lot of those are simple text with a simple image, so I decided to do some text with a simple abstract "waves" image.
Thought about adding a surfer and actually some buildings/properties to the wave shapes somehow, but I wanted to do something different than the other designers' concepts.
This is what I meant by adding a building and a surfer to the original image. I think that I can do a bit of a better job drawing the surfer guy, but I wanted to get this concept uploaded before I go for lunch :)
If you liked it, we could do one version of the logo without the extra stuff (building, surfer) and one with.
Thanks so much... Gives me food for thought on the building etc... I like the sun added. I like your fonts. How would it also look with a smaller cape cod style house (not so many windows) and on a white background? Sorry I don't know enough about your business....
Here is a website to one of the houses we rent www.vrbo.com/194378. Upscale luxury homes and condos, I want to give guests a cool t-shirt, mug, or sticker to take home with them.
Surfer sunset, with the house's white lines removed and the "R" in "SURF" tweaked a bit.
Logo can also be used without all of the extra stuff (the house/palms trees/land/surfer) for a more iconic logo. I think that 25 year olds would think the shape and colors cooler than all of the extra stuff added to it, but that's my opinion of course.