This is the design we are choosing! Thank you! We want to be sure we can get three variations of this design, on both Black and White backgrounds. Variations as:
1. This exact logo, no changes;
2. The "SC" logo in the middle with "Supply Cartel" text split to the left and right of the logo. Like: "Supply [Logo] Cartel". Supply Cartel wording same size;
3. This logo WITHOUT the "SC" cube, just the man. Man made larger to be proportionate to the size of the logo itself.
Again, these three logos in White (to be used on Black Background) and Black (to be used on White Background)
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1. This exact logo, no changes;
2. The "SC" logo in the middle with "Supply Cartel" text split to the left and right of the logo. Like: "Supply [Logo] Cartel". Supply Cartel wording same size;
3. This logo WITHOUT the "SC" cube, just the man. Man made larger to be proportionate to the size of the logo itself.
Again, these three logos in White (to be used on Black Background) and Black (to be used on White Background)
Please confirm!
please check;