#46 please make 'Superannuation' in lower case (capital S)
#46 we like the sharpness of the blue box. can you place the letters SAA inside the box, without the arrow/houses. Can you please use different colours for each letter. Please provide options in capitals and lower case, and also different colour combinations with bold font and also a finer font
hi I sent the variations with the new Superannuation and without tagline also variations for #46 and #43 please don't mind to ask about any combination of the variations that you wanted bests fermat
Fermat - can you please make the blue box a very dark blue, and make the letters darker then you have them now - same colours, just dark and bolder. Thank you
hi McHenry will be a pleasure to send the variations, but to do that I need to be ranked first, because during the judging period just the designer ranked first is allowed to send variations.... after you can change the first position if you want