Sup Dogs RestaurantLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Sup Dogs Restaurant Sup Dogs Restaurant has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 52 designs from 11 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by manly Return to Contest Return to Contest 1st #39 Withdrawn 8th #30 Withdrawn 10th #44 Withdrawn New #45 Withdrawn New #43 Withdrawn New #42 Withdrawn New #41 Withdrawn New #40 Withdrawn New #29 Withdrawn New #26 Withdrawn New #20 Withdrawn New #19 Withdrawn New #18 Withdrawn New #16 Withdrawn New #14 Withdrawn Prefers others. #3 Withdrawn Prefers others. #2 Withdrawn Prefers others. #1 Discussion breto42 Client Really like #20. Where is says Sup Dogs, can you use our official Sup Dogs logo in place of what you have? Really like #16. Can you have it read Grapefruit Sup Crush in the logo. Maybe above the palm tree? 10 years ago manly Logo Designer ok. i will do it. 10 years ago breto42 Client I really like #30. Can I see it using the original Sup Dogs logo colors (which I attached). Also, can you make the Grapefruit Sup Crush lettering more of a ruby red grapefruit color? Thanks! 10 years ago breto42 Client To clarify, can you make the logo file the original color (White and blue)? Thanks! 10 years ago