Updated note about rankings: For this stage we are opting to rank our favored designs in ALPHABETICAL order by Designer's name, just for sake of convenience during the review process.
Strong contender.
Note that the exact rankings do not reflect order of preference. I like this design and have pinned it for review by other members of our organization. No further feedback at this time. Thank you!
Lots of potential here! Love the sense of energy and movement and cleanliness of the design. The overall shape of the brain looks a little like a thumbs-down. May be able to cut away the lower half and focus on the top half, creating more of a half-circle. Not sure. Font great.
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Is that what you mean?
Note that the exact rankings do not reflect order of preference. I like this design and have pinned it for review by other members of our organization. No further feedback at this time. Thank you!
Thank you for your guidance