Hello; I really like entry #16.. The black and rust colors are really strong.. I was wondering if you could play around with the position of the horse head.. for example, place it above the writing and inside the rust box, but also above the writing without borders (just the horse head)... thank you!
I'm really liking more of a rustic wood vibe; something that could even be branded/burned on wood, and still get the same feel from the logo (even without color).... strong, clear.. it will hang over an entrance into a ranch (as well as on hats, t shirts, business cards, etc)... the logo overall could have black, rust or earthy tones, but again if it were branded black on wood, still retains the same sense from the logo.. hope this helps. Thanks!!
My primary business IS printed goods like shirts, hats, mugs etc... and I certainly can make a one color version that would be easy to do as a brand or on items.