this one appears to have just the word premium in a bolder version? On some of our products the logo will only be 1" tall so it's important we have as legible as we can logo. Wwe could have the original version when we put it on a larger package
Can you please remove the stars and do one version with the word finest slightly larger and one that remains the same . We also want to make sure the top Premium text is bold enough to read in a small logo. We like the lower case.. It's probably fine but only seeing it in the low res version can make it look fuzzy.
I was meaning letters like what I am writing rather than in ALL CAPS. It would also be nice to see this design with a black frame rather than yellow? Thanks
We would love to see this version using a font that is not all caps. If we like the font we may use it in situations where a big nameplate version would not render due to space restraints or in certain web instances and we can only use a low res version that requires us to just use text of our name.
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is that what you mean ...?