My tags are small rectangles. I prefer everything on the same plane. This one would require more of a square shape to be readable. Really looking for name as a logo rather than name and logo separate. Also, I still like to see a more modern look.
Thank you for the insight regarding the logo being able to stand without color. Wise words. After revisiting this design again, both my partner and I agree it's a bit too flowery overall. We are looking for a much more modern look. Is that something you would be willing to work on?
Color is the easiest part of the design, can be changed with the touch of a button. I wanted to show you the design in black/white, it is important that your logo stands up without color. I'll continue to look at other color combinations.
Thank you for the prompt additional submissions. Much appreciated. The color choice you've made on these are much too pastel for my taste. I prefer a richer more modern look, which I think is why the black background appealed to me. However, I think a black background would be too heavy for a website header.
Beautiful work. I'd love to see a version of this on a lighter and/or white background. Feel free to use color as you like. Yellow/orange/red was only meant to be a guideline, not a rule.
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