Don't know if you get credit for ranking this low, but I hope so, you should absolutely get credit for your work. Even though we're not going to use it, I want to thank you for the work you did for us. I enjoyed working with you. Thank you.
I've decided to push the logo in a direction that is not so "young". You've really done some excellent work to date and this new information may make you want to throw up your hands and walk away, but I hope not. I wanted to let you know so you are fairly informed since I've previously been encouraging your work to be exactly what it is. For this I apologize and I hope you will continue your work on this project.
This would easily be in my number one slot except that the tags I'm trying to fit will be a very small rectangle. Really the ideal size/shape will be the space you are using with the words and arrows....perhaps a little longer would be okay....but with the added height of the sun, I don't think it will fit on a tags and still be readable.
I like how you think. Not sure how I feel about the feather but I really like your use of color and texture. What else you got? Ps...don't forget the tag line. :)
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