Very nice entry! We never thought those colors were a possibility. The design has a soft feel to it and can make our clients feel good about working with us. The only issue is that clients may not see the sign (yard sign) very well when they are driving 45kmh. For more ideas about what we are looking for you can see the comments in the public discussion area. Great job!
For #210, can you fade the blue by making it brighter from the left? The blue on there right now is a little dull. Also, can you try a symbol a little less abstract and more visual? The logo will mostly be seen as a yard sign and many clients will be driving past it at 45kmh. Very nice colors on #211. Can you also make the word Exteriors, Inc. bigger but not as big as summer breeze?
Can you make the sun bigger on #244 and maybe the symbol as well? Also, is there anything you can do with the colors, making them more vibrant? Making the blue a little brighter and the orange, orange/yellow?