Summer Breeze Exteriors, Inc.Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Summer Breeze Exteriors, Inc.

Summer Breeze Exteriors, Inc. has selected their winning logo design.

For $600 they received 423 designs from 45 different designers from around the world.










































Logo Designer
is this what u want?

(This comment references Entry #14)
14 years ago
Great start with #14! We like how the logo is very solid with attractive colors. When we saw the white dots on the B, we thought of buildings and our focus is in residential, individual homes. We like what you did with Dixon Construction when you incorporated a double 3D image of a house. Of course we don't want to be anywhere near close to other companies, maybe you could do something 3D with our logo. We have added some comments in the general discussion area so those comments could help you further. Also, no one has incorporated ladders so far and it would be interesting to see if that can work. Keep up the good work.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
ok i try something :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
this could work?

(This comment references Entry #42)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
i think #46 is more clean and professional....
14 years ago
You did try something! Fantastic progress. We really like how #44 looks when compared to #14. It's a very good improvement. #44 looks simple and clear to the work that we are doing. We also like how the colors are vibrant.

You are right, #46 looks very clean and professional and more stable than #42. However, #42 has its own uniqueness because it looks 3D and different from the rest. Nevertheless, #46 is what we like better. We like #45, but #46 is just a better version.

Can you try something different with the wind on #46? The wind can make it look a little more complex than we want it to. For example, we like the simplicity and boldness of #44 and 3D quality of #46.

We like how #43 looks, however the symbol looks a little detached and not very cohesive.

So, for now, we like #44, 46 and 14.

For more tips, you can go back to the contest brief and the public discussion area.

Keep up the great work. You are a hardworker :-).
14 years ago
Logo Designer
is this the right way?

(This comment references Entry #51)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
i think #51 is the best solution, works fine in black and white, work fine standalone without text....
14 years ago
Logo Designer
you prefer the colors of the concept you have ranked first?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
please see the new concept #61 #62 #63 #64
14 years ago
Logo Designer
and #60
14 years ago
Out of the eight you have that we can see, #64 and #51 are the best designs. #51 is a better 52 and 59 and #64 has the best of 61, 62 and 63. Let us think about #60 for a little bit. Also, could you make #51 bigger? You can try making the letters as big as #64. The symbol could be bigger and a bit wider. Nevertheless, as long as #51 is bigger, do it however you want.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
sure, you want the pictorial bigger? or the text?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
bigger pictorial version

(This comment references Entry #66)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
i think the #64 is a great solution...maybe with some breeze over the sun....
14 years ago
Logo Designer
i'm locked to the 4 position :) what can i do to be first? you prefer the colof of your first ranked?
14 years ago
yes, try those colors. My partner was having some trouble with your original colors. Let's see if the other colors will work. The main reasons why the first one is first are because of the colors, the fact that it's symbolic and gives a lasting impression quickly. Also, we haven't updated the rankings but will do so in maximum a few hours. It's 11:30 am here, and we'll get new rankings between now and 2:00pm.
14 years ago
If you haven't seen the rankings change, it's because we haven't changed them. Since last time we ranked there were 65 entries. Be a little patient and we'll start ranking every time there is a new batch of new designs since we're approaching the end of the tournament.
14 years ago
Sorry, the previous message was meant to go to the main discussion area.
14 years ago
We really like #64, it's just that it reminds us of other competitors in the sense that it makes us look like everybody else, because most of them have a house or houses in the backround. But, try the wind by the sun and make the sun more yellow but not as much as #63. See what you can do with #64, though, because it may turn out good.

Also, remember to try colors similar to the top 5 choices. We want to see how #64 and #87 look like with bright blue color on the roofs.

On #87 and 64 try a different font. Less thick around the body. You can go for something sharper on the letters.
14 years ago
To clarify, don't take out #64, just keep working at it on the colors and the font.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
sure ok i make some color variation on #64 too
14 years ago
Logo Designer
check now the new entry, i hope u like it
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thx for the 3rd place, i hope this concept will be first after some modifications, please tell me what can i do to improve this concept...he works fine stand alone, fine in black and white and fine with colors...
14 years ago
Logo Designer
what's happened to the rank? you are no longer interested to my design?
14 years ago
hold on. We are reviewing them.
14 years ago
Great improvements on the colors with #124 and 125. We think you have done a great job so far. We will rank soon, before the contest is over.

Can you switch the colors on the SB letters for #124? Also, can you try a brighter, stronger blue and a more orange/yellow color instead of orange/yellow/red? Can you give it a 3D quality?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
i try something
13 years ago
Logo Designer
something like this?

(This comment references Entry #400)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
you are no longer interested to this design so i have to withdraw all, i will use it in other contest, thx for che feedback and for the patience...
13 years ago
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