Sorry for misspelling your name. I will revise it on my next submission. If I may ask can you give me just quick example what kind something bigger is? Your answer may worthy for me to develop logo concept better. Thank you for your feedback, anyway.
By bigger, I mean I'd like to see the graphic larger than the text. In an emblem style, rather than focusing on the text. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. Your portfolio is great.
I like #104, but I see something a little different. Can you make the lines in a mountain going down the other side, with the name of the company below it in a nice font?
I still really like #142. I don't know how to put something oil related into it without ruining the simplicity of it. It's very good, but doesn't quite say what my company does.
That may be great if I change the A into an oil rig, but I believe your 1st rank designer would not allowed :) However, I'll try to find the way to inserting something to conveys oil related company.