Your logo design isn't quite what I had in mind, but your portfolio is excellent. Can you see if you can design something with rock layers in it? Google "3D Geological Diagrams" for an idea of what I mean. Thanks!
I've extended the tournament and increased the prize to give you some time and incentive to try to come up with more designs for me. I really like your work.
Something along the lines of the logo you did for Temescal Canyon Partners is more of what I had in mind. Subtle, yet complex and sophisticated. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
I agree. I am looking for a simple representation of something rather complex. I like #111, but I'm not sure how I feel about the graphic interacting with the text.
Not bad. I prefer #135 over #136 It would probably look better on top of the line. That's actually a pumpjack. The thing in #127 is a drilling rig, which is what I thought might look good on the "A". I really like the design better without a line below the text.
When you said Oil Rig instead of A, the image of a pumpjack (didn't know that this is what they are called) just popped into my mind. At least it was interesting to see and to have as an option.
I've upped the real rig and hopefully you'll like it. To be honest, personally I'm torn between #111 and #138. While #138 is more straightforward #111 has that catch to it.
I think I like #111 better as well, but I'm not sold on the arrow through the text... or an arrow at all. The drilling rig kind of looks like a lighthouse... a little too angular and too short. That's a minor complaint. Otherwise it's really good. I'm kind of viewing the line on top as the "surface" and everything below as "subsurface." In my mind that means the oil rig should be on top of the line. I understand it throws off the height from a design perspective, but... well what do I know. If I could draw I'd be making my own logo right now.
These "minor complaints" are really helpful. It's always good to know what you'd like to see changed. I can gradually increase the size and height of the rig and maybe come up with improvements on #111.
You're most probably right about the proportions being ruined if the rig is too high, but we can try. Maybe there is a middle way.
The only thing I have to ask, is that you wait until tomorrow to see the changes. It's 4:30AM here.. :)
I'll do the pumpjack idea too. Didn't add the line because it would have interfered with the C. Instead I tried to add an oil drop in there, not sure how that turned out though.
The drilling rig style you're drawing is the antique style. Try googling "drilling rig alberta" for the modern style, and see if you can come up with a rig design along this line. I'm fairly sold on some iteration of this logo, so don't worry about creating something entirely new. Also, see if you can work the "inc." into the design somewhere.
Drilling Rig Alberta, got it. I'll so a bit of research and see what can be done. Sorry, but I don't know much about drilling rigs. Actually I've never saw one in my life. :)
As for the 'inc.', I knew you wanted it in the logo. Thought of leaving it for the final touch.
Hmmm... hate to say it, but the new rigs in #180 - #182 aren't working for me. I'm still sold on the simple line over the letters, but I think the rig idea was a bit of a bust. I'm open to ideas as to how else to represent oil or geology.