Hi Xyan -- thank you for the entries - to be clear I eliminated the ones I didn't like and I can tell you that I like the symbology and colors in #37 a lot - but not crazy about the small font and it's size relative to the symbol - maybe you want to play with these concepts (color and symbol) and maybe. Numbers 35 and 36 I like less - but maybe find a way to utilize the colors and symbol from #37 more in the layout / styleof 35 and 36 -- hopefully this will somehow inspire you if you wish to do any more submissions
I like your symbol that you are using in numbers 37, 48 but sorry i don't like the font in number 48 at all -- i like a simple font like in number 37. would it be possilbe to sort of put tht symbol in a circle and sort of twist it a little bit to sort of make it not so tall (not sure what I am saying - just a thought) -- how would #37 look without being in a green backgrount - can it be by itself - maybe play with that and the symbol sort of being put into a sphere or something -- thanks for the nice job -
Hi - I am hoping you can show me some more variations off of numbers 58 and 60 - some feedback i'm getting is that the symbol looks too much like wings looks like and aviation company to some friends of mine - nevertheless I do like the concept maybe the wings could be lower, and you could play with the symbol in someways to give me more options -- thanks
Xyan I am liking right now more some of the others, but wanted to leave you in the top 5 to see if you have any new inspiration - not sure which direction to go - any inspiration from an ABSTRACT perspective -any of these or a combination -- olive, olive branch, bottle, glass, bottle cap, leaves --- I like your concepts but at this point not the look and feel for this logo -- i'm telling you in case you have any new inspiration -- many thanks!