Hallo Frankenstein, The entry Nr. 16 and Nr. 3 are great work. Special Nr. 16 we like it very, very mutch. Perhaps you can develope Nr. 16 around the ball something or give the logo more 3D effects ??? But the motive looks great jet! I can say that Nr. 16 has a high chance to win. You have my fully attention. Great job, congratulation !!! Regards, Andreas.
YESSSS, good job. You make my life not easy! Nr. 16 & Nr. 42 (for 42 without the small whit circle therefore gold small circle ???). 3D effect is great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or Nr. 16 with this effect of 3D. You are a good designer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good morning Frankenstein, perfect work! I like the letter of entry nr. 74. Wow, good idea. I give you in a few hour a feedback concerning logo. I would like ask my friends. Is it possible for you to make letters from nr. 74 and include the logo of nr. 16? Just for comparison because I like your first logo stil !! Thx a lot for your idea and effort. Kind regards, Andreas
Dear Frankenstein, Thank you for your new proposal. It look great und congratulation you are in the final. 1 more wish if it is possible. Can you make Entry Nr. 87 style with the signet of Entry Nr. 82 PLUS after sweetly fragrance: could you add a very small swiss flagg? Please one in white and one in blue background. The reason is, that Entry Nr. 87 the signet is soft and we are not shure if it enough therefore the comparison with the signet of Nr. 82. Thanks a lot, you have done a great job. Regards, Andreas
Thanks Andreas. I hope I can pull this off because I'm being accused of copying someone else's idea. https://logotournament.com/account/privatemessages/inbox/319680x1546 I feel it's not fair because I was the first one to develop the S inside the O and at that time I didn't ask any other designers to remove their entries.