don, great stuff! we need to replace the eyes crossed out with spirals, one slightly smaller than the other, so it looks more drunk than dead. also can we try the font in entry #9 with the layout of entry #8. and instead of a contour border just use a solid black box behind all of the lettering and image so that it ties it together better, does that make sense?
don, looks great, i want to try and incorporate the turntable tonearm as the smile. i dont know whether to have it extend beyond the circle of the face (like the real tonearm would) or not. this file has the tonearm eps and some layout versions that i'm trying to get to work, let me know what you think.
Here is the logo with the tonearm, personally I like the one that looks more like a turntable (going out of the circle) Let me know what you think, thanks!
i like that version too, i wish there was a way to make the name look like headphones, it's in the perfect position for that, just afraid that it might make the font too small or the ear part of the headphones too big. but using the face in a larger format like that would be the most recognizable at a distance.