Studio IronLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Studio Iron Studio Iron has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 197 designs from 21 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by Source 52 Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 8th #136 Withdrawn 9th #142 Withdrawn New #127 Withdrawn New #141 Withdrawn New #140 Withdrawn New #139 Withdrawn New #138 Withdrawn New #137 Withdrawn New #128 Withdrawn New #126 Discussion studioiron Client #127 Can we see this in some additional fonts, also a lighter black and staking Studio Over IronThank you!! Great design 12 years ago studioiron Client Can I see #127 with the top part of the scroll (the straight piece on top of the scroll) run vertically, and the bottom of the scroll not twist into itself so much. Maybe only curl the bottom part of the "S" into itself once 12 years ago Source 52 Logo Designer I'm not home right now. Will back sunday night EST.Thanks,Max K. 12 years ago studioiron Client We like the less is more approach in this designProbably a little to heavy is the scroll 's' emblem, that should be a little more streamlinedAnd please provide some other font options for the lettering, it looks a little to ordinaryGive us some options, again keep in mind we want simple yet elegant to represent a high end brand 12 years ago studioiron Client above for #127 12 years ago studioiron Client Please update so we can make our final decison. 12 years ago Source 52 Logo Designer By the way you can reshuffle the entries during the judging mode so you can see revisions.Regards Max K. 12 years ago