Company is Studio DMS not DMS Studio. Actually there is a recording studio with that name. I like the concept and simplicity but confusion with the name will result. Thanks.
better. like the little carve outs in the letters also to bring out the letters. still not sure i like the font, but i will sleep on it. the tail in the "s" bothers me a bit but not sure why. don't like the blue color.
If i was a recording studio would like the little play symbol in the "d". Not sure that is appropriate for a photography studio though. wondering about a symbol that is applicable to photography that could go in there. thanks
shutter too big...lose the symmetry with the other letters. also, no cuts in letters to seperate as in previous entry. might like to see in other colors also.
I still like the oriignal "play" symbol logo better, however, can we do something about entry 5, specifically shrinking the shutter symbol a bit (keep the other one for comparson). Also, please carve out the letters like in your other entries on entry 5. woudl also like to see other colors.
thanks. although i like orange, it is not going to be in my logo for this company. red is ok and that is why i moved it up. would like to see more color variations at this point. thanks for improving the logo letters.
if you provide other colors, lets not go with the metallic gradient like in entry 9...while it looks good on line, it probably won't look good as a watermark or on letterhead, etc. not fashion biz oriented enough. look forward to seeing more color variations.
can i also see entry 5 with letter cutouts like the other designs. also some color variation. the larger lens symbol is growing on me.