Hi Got back to the office. Some things you should consider: A lot of companies make the mistake of trying to suggest travel/global etc. by adding a globe to their logo. Reasons they should definitely not do that (from a professionals p.o.v): it makes the logo look busy, it's not unique at all, it makes it hard/expensive for printing.
The horizon I created in entry #81 suggests global in a simple and effective manner, it's great for printing (not too much detail to make it hard to see at small sizes).
Hi Alex, we really like 82 as you know. We are concerned about the clear background and how it would look on our promo. In our experience clear backgrounds are risky. Is there anyways you could make a permanent background for 82, one that would not be white or clear of course. Perhaps you can outline the entire logo somehow and then fill in the background somehow to make it look good. Sorry, for this last tweak, we just want to make sure it is right, because it will be our new logo for the next 20 years. thanks.
Alex, you have hit the nail on the head with 279, but you just need to do one more thing. You need to round the top 2 corners off so that they follow the horizon and the sun. Don't round it off too much, just a little so that it follows the contours of the horizon and the sun. Leave a good portion of the blue sky in the logo. Understand? Then, surround the entire logo with a "thin" black line. I think this is the one we will take. I will be conferencing with my business partners today to pick the final winner.