Student Auto RentalsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Student Auto Rentals

Student Auto Rentals has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 52 designs from 11 different designers from around the world.
































Logo Designer
Can i get your feedback on the entries?
9 years ago
This is my favorite so far... Lets get creative.
- Can you keep the design... change the rose from being the antenna, to being the back tire. I don't want the same roseTire design you created on the other design. I need this one to be more simple. elegant. and peaceful

- between the rose antenna and the top of the hood.. I would like for their to be wings... A car with wings. The wings not too long, wide, and fluffy. But elegant and simple.
9 years ago
This is my favorite so far... Lets get creative.
- Can you keep the design... change the rose from being the antenna, to being the back tire. I don't want the same roseTire design you created on the other design. I need this one to be more simple. elegant. and peaceful

- between the rose antenna and the top of the hood.. I would like for their to be wings... A car with wings. The wings not too long, wide, and fluffy. But elegant and simple.
9 years ago
This is my favorite so far... Lets get creative.
- Can you keep the design... change the rose from being the antenna, to being the back tire. I don't want the same roseTire design you created on the other design. I need this one to be more simple. elegant. and peaceful

- between the rose antenna and the top of the hood.. I would like for their to be wings... A car with wings. The wings not too long, wide, and fluffy. But elegant and simple.
9 years ago
This is my favorite so far... Lets get creative.
- Can you keep the design... change the rose from being the antenna, to being the back tire. I don't want the same roseTire design you created on the other design. I need this one to be more simple. elegant. and peaceful

- between the rose antenna and the top of the hood.. I would like for their to be wings... A car with wings. The wings not too long, wide, and fluffy. But elegant and simple.
9 years ago
This is my favorite so far... Lets get creative.
- Can you keep the design... change the rose from being the antenna, to being the back tire. I don't want the same roseTire design you created on the other design. I need this one to be more simple. elegant. and peaceful

- between the rose antenna and the top of the hood.. I would like for their to be wings... A car with wings. The wings not too long, wide, and fluffy. But elegant and simple.
9 years ago
This is my favorite so far... Lets get creative.
- Can you keep the design... change the rose from being the antenna, to being the back tire. I don't want the same roseTire design you created on the other design. I need this one to be more simple. elegant. and peaceful

- between the rose antenna and the top of the hood.. I would like for their to be wings... A car with wings. The wings not too long, wide, and fluffy. But elegant and simple.
9 years ago
This is my favorite so far... Lets get creative.
- Can you keep the design... change the rose from being the antenna, to being the back tire. I don't want the same roseTire design you created on the other design. I need this one to be more simple. elegant. and peaceful

- between the rose antenna and the top of the hood.. I would like for their to be wings... A car with wings. The wings not too long, wide, and fluffy. But elegant and simple.
9 years ago
This is my favorite so far... Lets get creative.
- Can you keep the design... change the rose from being the antenna, to being the back tire. I don't want the same roseTire design you created on the other design. I need this one to be more simple. elegant. and peaceful

- between the rose antenna and the top of the hood.. I would like for their to be wings... A car with wings. The wings not too long, wide, and fluffy. But elegant and simple.
9 years ago
This is my favorite so far... Lets get creative.
- Can you keep the design... change the rose from being the antenna, to being the back tire. I don't want the same roseTire design you created on the other design. I need this one to be more simple. elegant. and peaceful

- between the rose antenna and the top of the hood.. I would like for their to be wings... A car with wings. The wings not too long, wide, and fluffy. But elegant and simple.
9 years ago
This is my favorite so far... Lets get creative.
- Can you keep the design... change the rose from being the antenna, to being the back tire. I don't want the same roseTire design you created on the other design. I need this one to be more simple. elegant. and peaceful

- between the rose antenna and the top of the hood.. I would like for their to be wings... A car with wings. The wings not too long, wide, and fluffy. But elegant and simple.
9 years ago
This is my favorite so far... Lets get creative.
- Can you keep the design... change the rose from being the antenna, to being the back tire. I don't want the same roseTire design you created on the other design. I need this one to be more simple. elegant. and peaceful

- between the rose antenna and the top of the hood.. I would like for their to be wings... A car with wings. The wings not too long, wide, and fluffy. But elegant and simple.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for your feedback. I am working on the designs now. I will upload the revised designs in a few moments.
9 years ago
Entry #23
I want the outline to be black with the rose tires from #21
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback. I've uploaded #29 for the changes. Let me know if i understood it correctly.
9 years ago
Entry 30
1. make the font color black (student)

2. Turn the front of the car into the head of the Phoenix. With the head being shiny purple and fading into black to represent the car.

3. Inside the vehicle, can you include "RFTA"...
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for this new feedback. I've uploaded #32 and #33, i adjusted the wings of #33 to be proportionate to the phoenix head. Hope you like it.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
I also uploaded another entry with a different phoenix head in #35
9 years ago
Logo Designer
can i get your feedback on the revisions to put the phoenix head to the front of the car?
9 years ago
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