Hello, this is my concept for your logo. I tried to keep it feminine but strong and emphasize the fitness aspect. Please let me know if you would like me to change anything. Thank you!
The shape of the kettlebell in the # 8 entry is best. I think I need bolder colors and a little more of a metallic (just a hint) look in the wings...not quite so much of the feathery feel. I like the proportions of wings to kettlebell. Also in # 8 I love the empower... but maybe bigger and more color. I put some new ideas in my brief as well. I llke the way you framed STRONGFIT GYM in # 4 and 5. Thanks so much for your designs..they are great.
We love entry number 23. The changes we would make to it would be to make gym a little bit smaller and make StrongFit larger. Can we also see some different fonts? We think that the wings look good but they need to be in tighter to the words and still a little more hard looking.... not so angelic. We love making the "o" in StrongFit a kettlebell but maybe we could cock it to the side or something so it doesn't start to look like a halo. Could we maybe make the "o" kettlebell black? Thanks so much we are loving these logos!
Hi Cecily - I would love to make those changes for you. I am out of town and I just realized I lost my laptop charger. I am using my phone but don't have access to my design programs. If you see fit to extend the contest for a couple more days I will get the new designs to first thing Monday. Thank you are all of your time and input. I will do my best to find another charger!
Hi Melinda. We had our contest extended....We really like your #80. especially the Strongfit Gym and the empower body and mind. The SF needs to be a little clearer and the wings a little tighter in or something. I don't know if you feel like you still want to give more examples, I know you have put so much in already...we are just not positive about the SF and the wings.
Hi - I have uploaded the changes. I have changed the SF to have more space, it is wider and I connected the bar on the S. I have also made some changes to the wings. My goal has been to keep this logo elegant and high end. I have tried versions with the wings connected however I really feel that it looks best with some space. Let me know if you would like more changes, I am really trying to win this one, so I am willing to work. Thank You.