Strip Wax BarLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Strip Wax Bar

Strip Wax Bar has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 39 designs from 5 different designers from around the world.














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Anna - Love it! Entry #4 is awesome. You really did bring out the femininity in the logo. It's better than I pictured it in my mind because I didn't think to do the background stripes in the Tiffany Blue. I'm just toying with the idea of stepping it up a notch though. My salon is an upscale waxing salon, so I'm not looking to do anything that could be construed as sleezy. But what if we closed the bow and put a little female figure sitting on top of the oval circle but behind (say the left side of the bow). So that the bow is hiding most of her body. But you can see her head, arms, and legs. The way I imagine it to be is cute and flirty in a non-offensive way. I want to keep the classiness of the logo but just giving it a little something extra that is special for my business - and that my customers will remember when they see my logo. I don't know if you get my visual. But its a play on the name of my business being Strip Wax Bar. I don't want it to be serious. I just want it to have a fun, playfulness to it by adding this figure. Its something that came to my mind as I was looking at some of the things in your portfolio. Not even sure if this idea is possible. Keep entry #4 the way it is. I just want to compare it to this idea and see which one stands out better.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
subtle silo :)
12 years ago
Hi Anna...ooh la la! I like her. She is sexy but not overtly or offensive. She is like a "Charles Angels doll" for Strip Wax Bar. But it's so funny because until you see the image you have in your mind, you can't stop thinking about it. What do you think about possibly having her body hidden by the bow and just have her legs dangling. But her head and arms are above the bow. But if we do that, then we have to change her color because she will just blend in. Unless, you change the color of the inside detail where the name of the company is written out. Don't take Entry #6 down though because I really do like her. I just want to see how my idea compares to Subtle Silo!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Do you want to see her arms up in the air? Profile? The legs should hang as opposed to being on top of the logo? Do you want her as a silo or as a real drawing?
12 years ago
Entry #17 - Nah! Subtle Silo wins hands down...but try the idea that I mentioned above if possible.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok, will revise :)
12 years ago
I want to see her as a real drawing, not a silo unless we're going to switch coloring around. The legs should dangle under one side of the bow and it appears that she is sitting on top of the brooch. The one side of the bow is hiding her middle body, and her head and arms are on top. I don't want her arms up in the air though. I wonder if they could just rest on top of the brooch or something.
12 years ago
Entry #18 Anna - Can you do a closed bow for this one? I'm thinking keep the bow in the center. Move her over to the left. And let the left side of the bow lapel cover her chest and middle area. Keep the legs dangling because I love the shoes! And maybe have one arm down and the other resting on top of the bow but possibly still show her shoulders. So it looks like she's using the bow to hide her nakedness. Its still flirty but not over the top.
12 years ago
Entry #18 - Or keep her in the center but close the bow so that you can't see the breasts but just the shoulders.
12 years ago
Entry #32 - Nah! I was wrong about putting her to the left.
12 years ago
I keep going back and forth between Entry #18 and Entry #31. I like the positioning of her hands and the fact that I can see more of her thigh in Entry #18. But I like that her breasts are covered in Entry #31. But I'm not sure that I like her hand positioning in Entry #31 because she is covering the bow. I wish we could bring #18 and #31 together. Drop her arms so they are positioned like they are in #18. Show her thigh like in #18. Don't expose her breasts. Also, I like her leg positioning but I want to make sure her feet are not covering any of the letters. Her left leg is perfect in #31, but her right leg is covering the "X". Maybe she can just place her foot on top of the "AX" or something like that so that the letters are not covered.
12 years ago
Hi Anna - So #33 is perfect! It is exactly what I want. But can I make one last request of you? Can you change her hair color to black. And give her a little bit of a tan...kind of bronzy. But not too dark because I don't want her legs to blend into the background. Just a smidge of a tan. Keep the rouging in her cheeks because I love that detail. But leave #33 because I need to compare which one will work.
12 years ago
Anna - can you give her Brown hair for #35. I'm not liking the black/brown combo.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Let me know if you like it.

12 years ago
Hmm...nah. I'm thinking brunette without the red tint. A more solid color. I'm thinking walnut brunette or dark chocolate brunette. Something like Hilary Duff as a brunette or Nicky Hilton as a brunette. The brown in #35 might work without the black.
12 years ago
Hi Anna - Can you take out the black highlights in #37? I want a solid brown color. Maybe one that is a lighter brown (no highlights though) and one that is a chocolate brown (like subtle silo). Everything else is perfect. This is the last part to get just right!
12 years ago
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