Could you please give me your general opinion on the designs. What you like and dislike in addition to the specific changes you requested? This will help me do a better this design
thanks in advance.
Could you please give me your general opinion on the designs. What you like and dislike in addition to the specific changes you requested? This will help me do a better this project
Hi ja'far.
Yeah. We currently favor the icons with mascots, especially a cute robot. Some logos like yours also have clever ideas and we will discuss with the team tomorrow ..
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Could you please give me your general opinion on the designs. What you like and dislike in addition to the specific changes you requested? This will help me do a better this project
thank you for your appreciation,
any feedback? if you have anything else in mind let me know.
We are ready to go!
Have a great day :)
Yeah. We currently favor the icons with mascots, especially a cute robot. Some logos like yours also have clever ideas and we will discuss with the team tomorrow ..
Many thanks for the ranking. Any feedback so i could maybe make it to the right direction?