After reviewing the description of what exactly it is that you do, I felt that you may want something simple and clean yet unique. Your logo needs to have something unique to it that will help people remember it. So I made a couple versions of an initial layout...
One just has a subtle arrow on the "E" to indicate moving forward, improvement, etc. There is also the 2nd reflected E that helps frame "EDGE" and keep it separate from "MONT", while still leaving the entire word at the same size and font.
The 2nd version I made has a customized "O" in "MONT". Again it has line cut off of it. It is subtle but should evoke uniqueness and possibly "cutting edge" when people see it.
I will continue to flesh out my ideas further and post any new ideas I come with. If you happen to want to see either of these in different colors or as different layouts, just let me know and I will do it...
(This comment references Entry #8)