Hi. Here's my initial concept for your contest. The Slogan is just an idea... Incubating describes just about everything you said you do for your clients in the brief... the creatures part mean ideas. It's meant to be not so dull corporate.
Love the concept of "incubate". We also love the metaphor of "hatching" ideas. the notion of creatures is a bit our there for us, but please work with this concept. This is currently our top concept!! KEEP WORKING ON THIS! ITS FANTASTIC.
We think that your notion of linking "Incubating" with the critter in the egg is totally brilliant. However, the critter is a bit too edgy for our corporate clients, and we are more about action than incubation.
So we want to change the slogan to "shift happens". This is because we help clients in crisis (i.e. experience "shift") and we make "shift happen"...cool shift.
So we need an icon / symbol as cool as the critter/egg that represents that notion...can you work with that?