I really like this one! Can we change the shiny gold to a flat gold? Can we bold the text more? I do like the leopard face however I don't care for the fringe things coming out of the neck/face area...can those be deleted? I like how this has a luxury, royal feel to it! Thank you!
I like these keys better than the first design however I would like to see a different leopard. Maybe one with less spots? This one looks blurry and fuzzy. Thank you! (typ: ot should be out)
I like this look! I would prefer the non-metallic gold and the tagline is hard to read...should we try a different color??? (typo: ot should be out) Thank you!
Can the gold be changed to not be a shiny gold? Also - there's a typo in "It's a jungle out there." (ot = out)
I do like the color combos and the shape of the logo.
Additional notes.... Is there a leopard option with less spots? My concern with so many spots that it may look messy when it comes to being printed on a business card or letterhead. Maybe a more "artsy" leopard? Also - see notes on the other similar logo. This look definitely has the luxury feel I'm looking for so I think we may be on the right track here. Thank you!
Fancy! Can we make the leopard black and the key gold? And can we make the key fancier? Also, can we have the "It's a jungle out there!" on it's own line under Stradtman Homes and then the rest of the tagline underneath? Maybe make the It's a jungle out there slightly bigger than the "Taming..." & "Guiding" tagline below it. ??? THANK YOU!!!
This is pretty! Fonts, colors and placements are great. Can we change out the keys to be more feminine/fancy? Also, can we have "It's a jungle out there!" on its on line underneathe Stradtman Homes and then the remaining tagline Taming... & guiding... all in one line underneath the junlge line? Looks great!
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all the best
I do like the color combos and the shape of the logo.
all the best