Likewise, we could try the top rule as the hairline rule.. Right now with two rules it just competes for a nice visual flow- Both rules might need to be thinner now that I look at it.
It's just with how things are weighted right now, the major graphic elements just blend together and look too crowded up.. looking to solve that prob
Can you try this with the bottomline as a Hairline Rule-
The the tagline font, make something more straightforward like Avenir or Helvetica.... a non-serif font so its easier to read
We can lose one of the rules. or make one of them thinner, or whatever options we may need to explore.. but placement of the tagline is gonna play a crucial part in our decision
The tagline is...
Tell Your Story. Tell it Well. Grow Your Business.
I'd like to see our script font, over a graphic with two lines like the upload doc I posted. This shape of the rule I like in the middle part, but rather than make it curl on the edge of the pages, can you just let it finish out to straight line
I think the straight lines start to look like a road- and that's cool symbolism to use... a magazine, merged with that road thought
I did upload our existing story road logo.. a script font, plus a quick screen capture of what I was trying to convey. Hope you can find those two reference docs in the document section I uploaded them too
I like the open magazine icon..... it sparked an idea- if we moved it to the bottom... two of those icons would look like a magazine open, but also sorta like a lane on a road. Could you work on the icon so we see a little more curl to the pages? I'm not sure that'll work....but and maybe it not necessary. Also I have a script font.. I don't know how to upload a graphic that might help...
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I feel like we need a little more space between Story and the rule under it as it gets crowed under the "S"
But I like this very much- and among my two two contenders
Thank you
Thank you
It's just with how things are weighted right now, the major graphic elements just blend together and look too crowded up.. looking to solve that prob
The the tagline font, make something more straightforward like Avenir or Helvetica.... a non-serif font so its easier to read
Thank you
We can lose one of the rules. or make one of them thinner, or whatever options we may need to explore.. but placement of the tagline is gonna play a crucial part in our decision
The tagline is...
Tell Your Story. Tell it Well. Grow Your Business.
if you want to change something, please let me know.
Thank you
feedback are welcome
Thank you
Kind regards,
That may mean the "y" can't interrupt the rule... not sure til ya try.
On both rules I think they can be narrower lines and maybe a touch closer to one another.
Thanks for tweaking- Thus far, this my fave direction
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
I think the straight lines start to look like a road- and that's cool symbolism to use... a magazine, merged with that road thought
Kindly review new update #214, #215, #216, #217, #218
Thank you