Thank you for submissions. We think #6 is the direction we wanted to go with a logo. Do you have any variations of that one that you may have thought of?
#6 #7 and #8 are our more preferred styles. Can you try with different text color gradient variations and font variations (small caps, lowercase, uppercase, etc)
I think we like the text of #8 / #19 best because the Clean Water seems more emphasized than the stormwater (which is great).
We do also like the fonts of #60 but would prefer the stormwater to be a little thinner to increase the focus on clean water.
We are also liking the emblem/logo of #63 #62 #60 but to the left side of the text. And we are undecided between our favorite emblem for #7 / #8 and the one from #63.
Some more variations. #64 - same as #60 with a less heavy weight of type for Stormwater and the emblem smaller. #65 & #66 - variation in the graduation and background of the emblem from #7 & #8 with text on the right. #67 & #68 - alternative typefaces with the emblem from #60.
OK We have chosen your logos but just want to ask for one more change so we can select that as our winner.
We like #73 but would like cleanwater to still be a tad thicker so it appears darker and bolder. We also would like to see stormwater to be a little thinner... kind of like #67 but in lowercase letters.
#74 - a version of #73 with 'stormwater' slightly less thick and 'clean water' slightly thicker. #75 - stormwater and clean water in the same typeface. #76 & #77 - different typeface options.
EnzoBluebird, we can't thank you enough for your hard work. At this time, our management team is now undecided between your logo and another designer's. We hope to have their choice finalized by the weekend.