In reference to # 44 - What we like about this logo is the simple layout, with a brain image that includes both hemispheres. We like how both brain hemisphere colors, correspond with the word mark colors. We would like to see a few more color combinations. Can we see this in a grayscale - and maybe blue and gray as well?
We also like the the "square abstract pixels" of the brain image - could we also see those replaced with Zero's and Ones so it looks like a representation of data in the bran element?
We are changing the tagline to "The Storage Evolution Meeting Place." If that is too long to fit under the word "Brain" - it's ok to have it expand the full length of the wordmark.
One more question/combination request. Can we see # 64 with the word "Storage" in blue and "Brain" in gray? reverse the left/right brain hemisphere's too? Thanks!