i like these very much. I'd like to see the logo of 25 in the color of 24, or maybe add grey or tan, again, trying to rough it up a little. Also, I'd like to see the logo to the left with "stockstill & Webre, LLC" stacked no the right. And add "trial lawyers", maybe add a sword below or between "Stockstill and Webre" and "Trial Lawyers." I like the font and the large and small uppercase. We really like the helmet in what we've ranked #1, but we also like the SW in this one, almost too close to call. We are still anxious to see someone take it a bit more rough around the edges. We really like the feel of the logo at http://www.kellylawfirm.org/, but with the images we're already seeing here. THank you for your work, it's very nice.