I really like the way you incorporated the rustic piece of wood with steel and I like that the look is classy. I would like to see other ideas you might have along these same lines and with the same sort of look.
Hi, comment for entry #22 could you try taking out the scroll work on the wood and replace it with a anvil or an I-beam something representing steel or the production of steel. Or maybe a vintage style steel hinge. Thanks.
I like #6 and #24. the only thing that I'm not sure of is that the steel emblem kind of looks like a music symbol.... a little too curly. do you have an idea for something maybe a little more industrial looking for the steel piece of it?
Hi, instead of the pull knob ring do you have something more industrial, like a steel plate with rivets or large bolt and nut can you some how maybe incorporate a steel plate riveted or bolted to a piece or two of old rustic or barn type of wood with maybe (SS) etched or carved in somewhere in the logo? I REALLY like the lettering in the entry just need to incorporate the right steel piece. THANKS...
I have your design in the #1 spot right now. I would be interested in seeing any other design ideas you might have for options other than the "S" design. Thank you very much for working with me on this! I really like what you've done!
ps: i must withdraw all my entries wich reprentating two broken pieces of wood. The idea two broken pieces of wood is Tony.A idea, He is objections if i use the idea, i must respect him, perhaps with one or three pieces of wood is ok :)
Hi, O.K. I understand. I really like what you have done could you use the same two piece's of wood with a piece of steel in between them with some sort of square head bolts or rivets connecting the 3 pieces together and put a steel SS on the steel piece. If you simply can not use (2) pieces maybe 3 pieces of the same pieces you are currently using and put some sort of steel SS across all 3 pieces with square head bolts or rivets attaching the steel SS to the wood. Thank You..