Here you go some scketches based on your brief where you can ask for any changes or make any suggestions. I've also entered your previous contest so I'm aware of your requests. Posting a very clean and classic layout, with the tree for the legacy represenation, but also a classical building view in a short perspective what can also symbolize the legacy of the ancient cultures and generations on the stone... If any sounds promising, even after contest ends submissions are possible for the 1st ranked designer. Kind regards,
Hi and sorry to bother. Just to let you know that I'm at you're entire service if there's anything else I can tune here to get your preference. Wish you a great weekend,
Hi! Just want to let you know that I'll work till the end of this week and then have my vacations period. I can take the files in my portable during the 2 first weeks of agust if needed and if there's anything else I can do till then, just let me know. Wish you a great day,
Your design #98 is our favorite design. Would you mind making a few small changes before we select you as the winner? 1. Please move the "grass" to the front of the design, not going behind the tree trunk. 2. Can you make the dark blue a little darker, less purple 3. Can you submit 2 designs, one with the tag line and one without? Thanks for your help.