We really like how this logo is both masculine and feminine. We like the sexy/flirtatious "S", balanced with the bold "STERLING SOCIAL". We also like the placement of the tagline. We would like to remove the (2) from the design.
We like the direction this is heading. We would like to see a couple different styles of "S". Also, we would like to see other colors used for "STERLING SOCIAL" such as purple, emerald green, etc. We also would like to see different background options such as slate grey so the logo can have more black, white and silver.
We really love the direction you are going and would like to see more designs! Below is a link to some of the shades of purple we like...something bright/vivid:
thanks SS. Today i am going to Florence for business travel ... i will be out for a week but i will be able to work on it. I will come back asap with those variations.
The contest ends this weekend! Any way you can send a revised design this week?? We LOVE your work and would really like to see some more options. I'm sure you are very busy....Thank you for your help!
ok, letme knowabout this. thanks again for all actually i am going to eat somthing ... tomorrow i will be out and i will come back untill 20:00 write me all aboutyou wouldto see ... i will work on it thanks
Hi! Thank you so much for submitting more work. Looks great!
Can we make the font color more bright purple/violet rather than hot pink/fuchsia?
Also, can we try a design with a different "S" font? We like how it is feminine and fun, just want to see another font style. Want it to look like a true "S" letter, it almost looks like a cursive "L"
We have updated the Event Brief with some more images/descriptions for inspiration with patterns and overall design. Would love for you to take a look! We really like your artwork so far and would like to see what else you can do. Thank you!!