I like the clean simplicity of this and rainbow effect of flower above. Can the center of the flower have color, too? Also I think I would prefer a different color for font... perhaps rich blue or purple? I do like this and appreciate your consideration and input. Thank you for participating!
Thank you for your continued efforts and recent revised ideas!
I like entry #20 of the latest changes best... the purple font is lovely. Can the center of the flower be changed to a bright yellow to add even more color? Also, I would like to see "floral design" in a bright, rich blue- so that it is in contrast to the purple used for "stems".
I appreciate your time and look forward to any future changes you wish to submit! Thank you again for taking time to participate!
Thank you again for making adjustments. While I am more drawn to some of the other designs at this time, I appreciate the time and effort you put into a thoughtful logo presentation for my business. Good luck in all your future endeavors and thank you again for participating!