Glad to see your recent pretty & thoughtful designs! Elegant and feminine without being too "gooey"!
Would like to see "stems" in a more intense version of the green turquoise color you used. Love the flower accents on the "s"... reminds me of a bird of paradise bloom. Can you make "floral design" a bit bolder in same color you used? The font you chose for "stems" is lovely!
Thank You ever so for taking an interest! Look forward to seeing any future ideas you choose to submit!
Hello again, Ms. Pam! Hope your day is going well! Thank You for your latest changes and new ideas. I like them very much and think I prefer the new flower design on entry #45.
Re: #45 A) Would like to see the lettering color for "stems" in same purple used for "floral design". B) "floral design" in a bright royal blue. C) flower detail on letter "s" intensified in color: hotter fushia for flower, bright yellow flower center, bright grass green leaves.
I want as much color and bright contrast as possible! The details on "s" could even be a bit larger. I think your lettering is so pretty, and this design has presence and movement! Just Lovely! While I do think the new ideas in #46 & 47 were really fun and fresh, I feel that #45 is closer to what I am looking for. Thank you for your continued efforts,,, you are obviously very talented! Looking forward to our continued interaction... :)
No worries... you deserve to have a life! LOL! I noticed you seem to be up very late working on this, as your submissions are time stamped long after I have gone to bed here in Indiana!
Thanks so much for waiting! And yes I did stay up late. Sometimes I forget to go to bed when I get involved in a project. LOL! Not a good thing when you have to go to work the next day.
#98 - changed the color of "Stems" to the purple previously used for Floral Design. Intensified the pink color of the flower, and made the leaves a brighter green. I also enlarged the flower in ratio to the letter 'S'.
#99 - lengthened the left vine, adding more leaves.
I'm working on some more variations and will post them as soon as I get them done.
Enjoyed the latest submissions- #100 is my favorite of the ones I ranked. Not much time this morning to "nit pick"... but will think more carefully about them later today. Your work is just lovely. Have a good day and hope you're not too tired! :) Thank You, Brooke
Thanks for the compliment, and I did get some rest! I got to sleep in a bit today. My boss lets me work at home on Tuesdays, so I didn't have the 50 minute commute to deal with. Yay!
I extended the vines a bit more and added some small blue flowers to the floral swag to make it more lush. Hope you like!
Family & friends weighing in. Thank You for patience... sorry for my recent tardiness. Life does get crazy sometimes!! Thank You for all your help & let you know asap! SO far your design is in everyone's top picks. :)
I am going with another design.... but wanted to tell you, again, that I appreciate your hard work. I feel sure that you will continue to have success with your designs. Choosing just one was heart-wrenching! If you ever need someone to remind you how talented you are... let me know!! I enjoyed getting to know you a bit, and wish you all the luck in the world!! Thank you again, for your interest and hard work on my project... This was one of the hardest choices I've made in a long time. I know that You will be ever more successful in all your endeavors! You have amazing talents! Be proud!