Will you use the beaker from #96 and keep the white outline around the entire beaker, so that we see the whole outline of the beaker. Also, please make the Texas State Star slightly smaller, so that it is where Round Rock, Texas is on the Texas map (probably smaller and a little to the left).
I hope you are not sick of me yet! Stay the course, because we are liking what you are giving us. We would like to see the beaker taller so that we are not losing the overall shape of the State of Texas. Also, our University Marketing department gave us permission to use the University's star for this purpose, so we would like the star changed to it (go to: https://brand.txstate.edu/logos-and-guidelines/primary-and-secondary-logos.html and scroll down to bottom to star graphic). Note, you can pick which color, but please keep in mind that we will be reproducing this on a banner, table cloths, etc., so we want this to really stand out. Also, with that said, since we want it to stand out from afar, we want to see the wording all moved to the bottom and we would like to see it all in blue and then we want to see it in 2 color: the STEM For All in blue and the PARTNERSHIP in red, and we would like the word PARTNERSHIP more closer/tight instead of so much spacing between the letters. Lastly, we would like to see the logo in our University colors maroon/gold (https://brand.txstate.edu/color-palette.html) too - so make the blue maroon, the red gold and the letters black and again, use the University's star.
Really starting to like this one! However, would you please make the beaker look more like a beaker. It currently looks a little like a soda can to me. Also, can you change the E to the sum symbol ∑ like you did in your other logo?
Change this to a Texas image instead of the star, but leave the beaker and add a gold star to reflect the 31st district location, specifically the district shown here (google: carter.house.gov/district). As for wording, please make the lettering thicker and move the STEM FOR ALL to the top and put "Partnership" at the bottom.
I want the map to reflect a district, specifically the district shown here (google: carter.house.gov/district), so take off all of the symbols and move the star to the district location (or thereabout).
We would like to see the sum symbol ∑ in place of the E in STEM. Texas State color palat is here: https://brand.txstate.edu/color-palette.html and we would like to see the STEM-For-All with each letter and/or word a different color. We like that the star is similar to the Texas State star.
Comment Activity
Kind regards.
Kind regards.
Thank you.
Remove symbol in STEM & replace with E.
Remove red dots.
Kind regards.
Kind regards.
Kind regards.
I hope you`re having a wonderful day.
Thank you for your great feedback and appreciation.
These are a few variations based on your requests. Please let me know what do you think of them.
If you need any other revisions please feel free to ask. Your feedback is always welcome.
Kind regards.
Please let me know if you would like to see any revisions (fonts, colors, layout etc).
Thank you.