I think we are getting close to making a decision. If we select your logo, we will need a few variations: In addition to the full logo we will also want a file with the mark on its own (jpg/png), the mark with the letting around the outside, the mark with Stay Airstream underneath like your first version, etc. Nothing different or outside what you have created. Just a few versions that we can use easily. (I don't own illustrator so making these simple adjustments can be a p.i.t.a. Are you agreeable to this?
Love this! Can you try some layout variations?
- Stack STAY and AIRSTREAM (centered)
- Name centered above the mark
- Name centered above the mark with the slogan below the mark
- Arrange the name ( Stay Airstream) and the slogan (We Make Glamping Cool) so that they create a circle around the mark
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Yes, I agree with your request.
Please check my revision#49#50#51#52. Thanks
- Stack STAY and AIRSTREAM (centered)
- Name centered above the mark
- Name centered above the mark with the slogan below the mark
- Arrange the name ( Stay Airstream) and the slogan (We Make Glamping Cool) so that they create a circle around the mark