You entered some of the most visually appealing logos submitted.
#98 is a nice treatment of the "S" using the negative space. The color graduation is nice as well.
We like the typeface in all of the logos. However, we are concerned that this type will get lost on an exterior building sign (which we are planning to do on our current headquarters building). We have had bad experience in the past with thin serif typefaces and exterior signage. Can we see a version with a bolder, sans serif typeface? A bolder serif typeface might work as well.
#155-$159 are beautiful artistic logos and I do believe they capture the "connections" concept. However, the rest of the team thought that it was too high concept and had to be explained.
I believe that #159 is one of the most unique and visually appealing options. I am concerned that we cannot do a black and white version that will look good in print on forms and a solid version that could be embroidered on a shirt or bag. What is your opinion?