Really like this design, is one of my favorites. I think this idea can show energy and movement, two importants aspects to your business. Is a really innovative design, is fresh is easy to remember (this aspect is extremly imporant when we are talking about marks) The people or the clients who see the mark can say inmediately " yes this is Squash Design " great no? Other important thing is that this design is a original symbol who can show energy, movement, and have some meanings, can show the people or community idea with the person figure and the squash aspect and speed idea for the inclination of the symbol. The font is a really easy to remember , is not good when the font is extremly hard to read or understand, for that reason i was choose this font, because is easy to read and because is related with the general business idea, thanks, im waiting for your answer.
This idea can show interaction, movement and energy, is more abstract idea for this reason can take differente interpretations. The two figures show energy and movement, but can show two important parts of this project, the client or community people idea, and the business one. You and you business need interaction with your clients and not just with your clients, with the people or community around you, this design show this union, and interaction, between you and your enviroment, are not the same (for that reason different colors blue and silver or white ) are not the same but you need the client and the idea is that the client need you, is an innovative design who can show easily the performance idea. I like the font of this one, the word "squash" is more fresh font, agile, and very related with your business idea. The word "design" have a lot of power, dont look superior that the squah word, but in my opinion the word design in your project is reallt really important, for that reason is blue (the strongest color in this design) and is with different kind of font and in a little bold. Im waiting for your comments, thanks for the great oportunity, good luck !!!
This option can show some interesting things. The symbol might be seen in this ways. 1/ A winner person, a winner client, not just winner ( maybe some people just practice and enjoy the hobby) succesful, fresh and original client who want to be healthy and energic, you can find the community idea here too. 2/ The ball and the ball distance (or person head) the "ball" is up, up is the meaning of importants goals, succesful, hapiness, sport etc....You can find the squash idea here too. The performance idea is really important here, because with this logo i can communicate that is possible to be healthy, energic, succesful and have good habits (for the persona who like the squash) is a fast idea too, the squash is a fast sport, thanks.
This option show a letter "s" hide in the symbol. More than that this design can show the speed aspect, movement and energy one, the figure can show a person, or a squash ball who form the letter " s". Is an original design who can show the performance idea. Is a very easy to remember logo and the font is easy to read and related with you business plan.